Take a deep breath

Safe space
to share

Smart phone app
Which provides on-demand
Listening service to users

Our mission is to create an army
of empathetic listeners
who are available 24 hours for you.

  • Available at
How it works?
Our Impact

We believe that by talking, you will be able to uplift your mood and let go of anything that is holding you back.

Users 3090
Listeners 2567
Total call 5468
Download impact reports
Support us

We are a non-profit organization, dedicated to giving everyone equal access to a safe space and peer support for free. Therefore, we need your generous donations to continue our mission.

  • ฿ 200
  • ฿ 500
  • ฿ 1000
  • ฿ 3000
  • ฿ 5000

Your THB 200 contribution allows us to support 10 calls

Become a listener

We are always looking for individuals who are motivated to make our soceity a more empathetic one. Join us and become a part of our listener’s team at Sati.

  • 1. Take online courses
  • 2. Pass the tests
  • 3. Take the first call!
Sati Stories

A group of friends, all of whom have struggled with various mental health issues, came together with a common goal: to help others who are struggling with similar problems.

Sati App Impact Report 2023 - 2024
Sati App Impact Report 2022 - 2023

Sati App Impact Report 2023 - 2024

Sati App Impact Report 2023 - 2024

Download Sati-App-Impact-Report-2023-2024


Sati App Impact Report 2022 - 2023

Sati App Impact Report 2022 - 2023

Download Sati App Impact Report 2022-2023


Sati hosts students from BU and UTCC

Sati got a chance to host students from BU and UTCC.

To share with them about Sati and discuss about the importance for leaders to have and understand empathy. To have empathy and be vulnerable isn’t a weakness, but once we truly understand that, we will be able to empower others around us to be empathetic as well 💙 Thank you CommonPurpose for making this happen

Na obrázku může být: 17 people, people smiling


Our CEO selected to go to the Davos 2020

The Article from our CEO.

Sanju 'Amorn' Sachamuneewongse:

"This year has been so inspiring! I have never thought I would be able to meet up with so many amazing souls trying to change the world and be a voice for Mental Health. To top it off, I have been selected as 1 of 50 Shapers to go to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 in Davos, Switzerland! 💙

I will make sure to make Global Shapers Bangkok and my Shapers for Mental Health family proud! 😄

Getting nervous and excited at the same time 🤪 Thank you to my family and life saving friends who have stucked with me during my dark years and created a safe space for me 🥰 It is because of you picking up my calls, listening to me, caring for me, and holding me that gave me today". 

Na obrázku může být: 1 person, smiling , text
